Trusted To Deliver

Headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA, ours has become the trusted name for crane rail supply, install and service for many leading consultants and contractors in the crane rail industry. This is down to the quality we provide: quality of product, quality of service, quality of training, expertise and the solutions driven attitude we apply to every project. This quality comes down to our team; the expertise and skills of those people who deliver this service day in day out, worldwide.

Crane rail solution for shipping containers
A crane rail in use to load containers on and off ships

Built To Last

We have a proud history of innovation, quality design and engineering prowess which started back in 1956 when founder George Molyneux developed a range of crane runway products which he sold worldwide, including to India and the Middle East. Jump forward 20 years and Molyneux Industries, Inc. was born, growing quickly to become an independent entity run under the leadership of Godfrey Molyneux, who holds the position of Managing Director to this day.

People, Passion and Performance

Today, Molyneux Industries, Inc. continues to offer a full line of crane railway products, building on the founding vision of its Founder. And along with a dedicated team of crane rail experts and professionals holds true to the vision of product excellence, outstanding customer service, innovation and product development.

A builder working on a construction site wit a crane rail in view behind

Our Products

The Molyneux International range of crane rail solutions include everything you need to specify, install and maintain a high performance crane rail solution. Developed over many years, our products have become synonymous with performance, reliability and innovation, continually evolving to meet the changing demands and challenges that a crane rail system needs to provide.

Contact us

If you have a specific enquiry please complete the form to the right and our teams will pick it up and respond accordingly. If your enquiry is of an urgent nature then call us on 724-695-3406 or email our support team on We look forward to hearing from you.

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We are proud to have worked with a wide variety of clients and consultants across the most diverse range of industry projects and sectors; each bringing its own challenges and specifics in terms of product specification and technical support.
